Terms & Conditions of Use Agreement
The use of this site is governed by the policies, terms and conditions set forth below. Please read them carefully. Your use of this site indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. Your placement of an order indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. Your submittal of any purchase order to TheNaturalTransformer.com indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions shall supersede any subsequent terms or conditions included with any purchase order, whether or not such terms or conditions are signed by The Natural Transformer.
The Natural Transformer reserves the right to make changes to this site and these terms and conditions at any time.
By ordering or registering on TheNaturalTransformer.com you grant us the right to add your contact details to our database and email transactional order, shipping and product review emails. From time to time we may contact you about offers and new products. You can easily be removed by either unsubscribing via a link in the email or contacting us and we will remove you from marketing communications.
Although the products and services advised at The Natural Transformer Pty Ltd are intended to be fully implemented, sometimes they are not, which could result in a lack of progress/results for the user. If you implement the products or services from thenaturaltransformer.com correctly and follow instructions that you receive you should see results, however it must be disclaimed that even when consumers implement any products or services in full from thenaturaltransformer.com it is still possible they will not get the results they may have expected and it is also possible they will not lose fat or gain muscle or achieve any positive results of any kind. It is of extremely low chance that this event will happen but it is possible. Any products purchased from thenaturaltransformer.com can take up to 3-10 business days and once payment has been received, products are shipped in the hands of the postage company.
Any purchase from thenaturaltransformer.com is a contract between The Natural Transformer Pty Ltd administration team and yourself for the terms of your purchase.
Any product purchased is not to be used for any other person or purpose other than the paying client. Any purchase that is to be consumed or performed is at your own risk.
If you are aware that you have any medical/health issues, please see your doctor or health care practitioner before purchase as this is at your own risk.
This website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care or diagnosis. None of the nutritional advise or exercise programs from thenaturaltransformer.com should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider first.
There may be risks associated with participating in activities mentioned from The Natural Transformer administration team for people in poor health or with pre-existing physical or mental health conditions. Because these risks exist, you will not participate in any nutritional advise available at The Natural Transformer Pty Ltd if you are in poor health or have a pre-existing mental or physical condition. If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such dietary and physical activities. These risks may also exist for those who are currently in good health right now.
The Natural Transformer Pty Ltd is not a medical doctor. Advice whether it be on the website, nutritional advise, supplement advise, exercise programs or via the email coaching, none of it is meant as a substitute for medical advice. You must consult your doctor before beginning any nutritional advice, supplement advice, or exercise program advise, no exceptions. You are using The Natural Transformers Pty Ltd programs, coaching, nutrition & supplement advise at your own risk and The Natural Transformer Pty Ltd is not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death as a result of using or participating in any advice given or any purchase made from The Natural Transformer Pty Ltd.
It is to be made clear that The Natural Transformer Pty Ltd is not responsible for any injuries or health problems you may experience or even death as a result of using any products or services from The Natural Transformer Pty Ltd.
Your results may vary from consuming or following advise given by The Natural Transformer Pty Ltd and you may not get the same results compared to someone else when using these services due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation/dedication.
Adjustment of Order Information
All orders are considered final at time of placement. Please check your details carefully before submitting your order. Should you need to make an adjustment to your order, please contact thenaturaltransformer@gmail.com once an order is placed, there is no guarantee that it can be altered or changed in any way however, we will endeavour to accommodate where possible.
Change of Mind – Refunds/Exchanges
We are not required to provide a refund or replacement if you change your mind.
Once payment has been processed this is considered a formal contract.
We recommend you carefully preview any orders and enter the correct details before adding them to your shopping cart and proceeding with your order. Should you have any questions regarding a particular product, please email thenaturaltransformer@gmail.com or visit thenaturaltransformer.com.
When payment is processed you are agreeing to the above terms and conditions.
Thank you for changing your life with The Natural Transformer.